Monday, February 7, 2011

Just for Nicky...

I left blogging. I went to Facebook. I still like Facebook. Facebook is faster. More people are reading on Facebook. I keep in touch with more friends. But it is not the same as blogging. Bloggin' lets you say more. Sometimes too much. Blogging releases my inner writer. The literary genius lurking inside of me. It is like singing in the shower. You let yourself go in the joy of anonymity. Except blogging is not anonymous. Some of you know who I am. So it is not like singing in the shower at all. You know what I like? My ipod. One of my favorite apps is Grocery Gadget. It organizes all my shopping lists, and then as I check the items off, it keeps track of the order and organizes the list however the flow of the grocery store is organized. I have a list for Costco, all my favorite grocery stores, Target, Home Depot and the like. That way when I am at that store, I don't get home and say, "Oh, I forgot, I needed to get....". It is a great mommy gadget to have.


Cheryl said...


Monica said...

Wow, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see a new post from you. I haven't tried out facebook yet, but I would definitely be your friend. That grocery app sounds awesome!

J said...

wow, I leave the U.S. for 6 months and all of a sudden everyone I know and their dog is talking about all the new apps they have on their ipods and iphones. My parents can track where each other are, so my dad called my mom as she was going through a wendy's drive through to put his order in and confused her. Haha. And Jen was just telling me how she has this app that lets her know how fast the traffic is flowing on all the roads in the city so she can choose her route.

I feel so out of the loop now! And also like I'm living in the past.

The Fox Family said...

WAHOOO!!!! I feel honored! Does this mean you are back...that was unclear from your post. I sure hope so.

cookingsherri said...

Cheryl, I am not sure what you mean. Are you saying I am what I store? Or that I resemble a frozen weapon of domestic destruction?

cookingsherri said...

Monica, I am glad to hear from you too. I forgot how much I like blogging.

cookingsherri said...

Juliana, Everybody has one. Or you can get a Droid. I am hearing that is pretty cool too. Usually it is you kids keeping me in the loop! Now it is my turn. So many great Mommy apps.